jim's blog

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Today as It Is

Met an old friend, Kok Leng, at Carrefour Seberang Jaya. He was working at an optometry shop. He was still as bright as before. We talked about our lives in the recent past, then about the other old friends. He was poor, so he had to work to pay his own school fees. He certainly has more working experience than I do. He told me that he had even tried reporter's job, like he had too much to share with me! Looked like he was doing everything well. We will meet again at sometime later.

I think, before I met that old friend, I saw Matrix-style sunglasses at a booth there. But I didn't buy them. What is the big deal? Wear it. You can see everything in green codes, like Neo.

Before I went to Carrefour, my dad bought me a Christmas gift -- too early. Guess what it was? A new pair of spectacles! Didn't know that I wore specs? Now you know. Thanks, dad, for the Christmas gift.

I got a phone call yesterday. I knew that I would have to take up six subjects -- one project-based and five exam-based -- in the coming semester. Seven days in a week. One day for one subject, and sunday for my own interests. It isn't many, is it?


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