jim's blog

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Tuesday Trivia

I'm comparing the LRT systems of Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (STAR) and Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (PUTRA). The difference between STAR and PUTRA is that STAR LRT is semi-automatic and PUTRA LRT is fully-automatic. And PUTRA does have an official website, but STAR doesn't. From my observation at certain stations, you have more choices in paying for their tickets at PUTRA -- you can give a big RM50 bill to buy a RM3.20 ticket, and that's no problem; while at STAR, you'd better prepare some small money, otherwise, you might run into a little trouble of not-enough-money-at-the-counter-to-give-you-change or hesitation of whether to accept your big money. As I observed, I would say PUTRA personnel woke up ealier than STAR personnel. Perhaps it was because there were not as many passengers at STAR as at PUTRA in the early morning. Sometimes I had to tell the ticket-seller at STAR my destination for a few times for him/her to hear it clearly, and he/she still looked sleepy; but I usually said my destination once, and the PUTRA ticket-seller would get it immediately and respond with a smile. These are just some differences between STAR and PUTRA; of course there are more, but it is just a trivia.

(Disclaimer: My "observation" refers to my observation at only a few stations and on a certain number of personnel and passengers.)


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