jim's blog

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Love Jay's Songs

A portion of lyrics of the song Wai Po (Grandmother) in Jay Chou's Qi Li Xiang album:
记得去年外婆的生日 表哥带我和外婆参加
她最最重视的颁奖典礼 结果却拿不到半个奖
不知该笑不笑 我对着镜头傻笑 只觉得自己可笑
我难过 却不是因为没得奖而难过
我失落 是因为看到外婆失落而失落
否定 我的作品 决定在于心情
想坚持风格他们却觉得还欧颗 没惊喜没改变
我已经听了三年 我告诉外婆
我没输 不需要改变
表哥说不要觉得可惜 这只是一场游戏
只要外婆觉得好听 那才是一种鼓励
浅浅的笑容 就让我感到比得奖它还要光荣
(Reference: Jay-Chou.net)

I think the "cousin" in the lyrics is referring to Jay Chou himself.

I love this song. Other than this, I also love Luan Wu Chun Qiu (Chaotic Dance Spring Autumn) in this album. Very nice, won't get bored for listening to them many times.


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