jim's blog

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Do You Eat While You Sleep?

I got good news and bad news for you. Bad news first? OK then.

Long time ago I received an email talking about some believe-it-or-not "facts". Part of that email said that all of us do eat spiders while we're sleeping. Recently, that "fact" came to my mind, and this time I was curious to know more details about it. I researched on the web and I found this:
Did you know that when you sleep, the spiders can crawl on you. When we sleep the spider tries to drink from our mouth for water but often times we eat them in our sleep. The average person eats 30-60 spiders a year. That's almost one every week.
That seems quite reasonably true because some spiders are really small and move fast. If you're too worried or scared, maybe you can think about taping your mouth before you sleep. That might be a good way to prevent spiders from entering your mouth. Anyway, let's talk about the good news.

The good news is: I found an article that tells something you might feel very happy to know. Check it out.


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