jim's blog

Monday, July 10, 2006

Germany '06 Grand Finale Carnival

Football~ football~ it's my least favorite kind of balls......

...But wait.

What's this?!

Why am I here? At this Germany '06 Grand Finale Carnival? I must have come to the wrong place...

Or have I not?

Guys, tell you what, I'm on Italy. You know why? Because France beat Brazil and I support Brazil...... Nah, I'm not on Italy, neither do I know why so many people are on Italy...... So? So I'm definitely lost. That's for sure.

But who cares? I'm here now, so let's celebrate and have some fun.

This is the Hotlink zone before the event starts.

Some boring game in the game area.

I walk and walk and walk and come to this particular position in which I think I will stand for the night. Then I wait and wait and wait, and someone finally shows up on the stage and starts talking... keeps talking. People go up and down the stage... A lot of talking by some DJs... They are not that boring though.

Event organizers kick some giveaway footballs to the audience. (Poor-quality video. n00b here;)

Then there is a great deal of singing and dancing going on for a few hours. The atmosphere is charged.

Axel F by Crazy Frog. Say "ding ding"! (Another poor quality and no sound. I'm too distracted and forget to zoom in.)

No matter how tirelessly they can sing and dance, the time has to come to watching the grand finale.

Some typical fireworks before the game starts.

That match, it's the only match that I watch--and care about--in the entire tournament. It's the longest match. While watching it, we've got to sit on the floor covered with wires (luckily, nobody gets electrocuted!). The guys beside me who keep on smoking make me suffer all day. One girl always touches me. Her boyfriend calls me "lengcai" (a name widely used by KL people to address guys). But hey, I seriously hate it when people call me "lengcai".

Then, there goes Zidane (France) giving a headbutt on Materazzi (Italy). Didn't know Zidane would do this kind of thing. I think he must be very much wanting to headbutt the ball but have not a chance, so he treated Materazzi like a ball and headbutt it hard. (Just kidding, Zidane's fans.)

One more thing. French players really like to shoot the crossbar to score goals, huh? I don't know.

It's a really long match. After so much of kicking, the game finally ends with a winner of the World Cup... which is Italy!

And so, the carnival has also come to an end. People start leaving the venue. After that, nothing special happens. It's around 4:30am. I go home right away.


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