jim's blog

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Power Failure + Awesome XP

A few hours ago, power supply was restored after a major blackout in KL and some other states. This outage occured when I was still at a class. There must be some kind of fail-safe in that building. That's why we were not affected. What followed were that my friends and I travelled around KL to carry out some tasks; that we saw many people standing outside tall buildings (including KLCC and Megan Phileo Avenue II); that we got stuck at a traffic light for a while; and that I couldn't go home after finishing our tasks because LRTs weren't operating. I decided to stay at college until LRTs resumed their service.

My timing was good. I think I caught the first LRT even though I wasn't told when the LRTs would operate again. The PUTRA station was somewhat hot. After disembarking from the LRT, I walked quickly towards the exit of the station as usual, and then something awesome happened. I saw no one, except the PUTRA staff, at the ticket counters and on the stair and escalators. Well, this wasn't surprising enough. When I almost reached the ground floor using an escalator, I saw that the gates were closed and there were a zillion people standing outside the gates wanting to come in. I was like, "Wow! I'm a celebrity! So many fans are waiting for my presence!" At that moment, there was still nobody around me except two guards at the gates who soon opened the gates. That situation really made me think that I was someone special. Then, I quickly got out of the station before the gates were fully opened and before anyone came in. Rushing to a STAR station for another ride of LRT, only to see that the gates were closed, I had to wait again. Luckily, it was not so long. After about five minutes, I got on board. Later, everything went on smoothly and safely, until I was in the middle of typing this entry...

My computer suddenly restarted without any known reasons.



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