jim's blog

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Life and Lesson

Okay, what have I been doing and what have I done recently? You know... That excuse... I have been busy with a final year project since early this month, and this week is an exam week. Yesterday the exams ended, so today I'm freer and having holiday mood. Not wanting to let you say that I'm a "holic", I won't tell you I will work for the project during the holidays even though they are only 1 week + 2 days long (but as you're reading this, you've already been told that I'll work despite holidays).

Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanted to release tension generated while taking the last paper, which was so unspeakably difficult. That was just now. Now I'm just tired: It's about 4:18 morning! And I'm writing.

I'm gonna tell you something that is too old to be mentioned about people (not all but many) in KL. They are very interested in littering unwanted stuff, especially candy wrappers. On my way home yesterday, there were people giving candy samples of brand Cadbury, and guess what, there were candy wrappers everywhere on the floor near where candy promotion was being done. Like once at around my college, there were people doing promotion on some chewing gum product, and needless to say, there were chewing gum wrappers everywhere, even on my college floors. It was so normal until it seemed as if it could be considered a good habit. Of course, it couldn't. I don't like to litter. I rarely do it. What's so convenient, when small pieces of papers or plastic papers are so light to carry, and, in most places, a rubbish bin is almost only a few steps away from where one might think of littering? On my way home, later, I saw a lady, who was walking right in front of me, litter so naturally until one could think that she dropped it unintentionally. Did she, maybe, really drop it unintentionally? I would say that was the most graceful way of littering or the safest way of littering so that the litterers do not get caught.

Lesson learnt: If you do not want anyone to know your ill act, then don't do it.

Just kidding.

Love our globe and keep it clean. Start by not littering candy wrappers.


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