jim's blog

Thursday, September 09, 2004

It's Over! Stay Updated!

Right, the exam is over! Yeehaa~! Can finally do something I like (the exam -- yucks).

So, let me keep you updated, if you do not yet know that there's a major update called SP2 for your operating system (if you're using Windows XP). It's recommended that you get this update for better security for your windows. But personally, I have not installed it yet because I think my harddisk is just not going to take it anymore. I have only 400MB free space left in my C drive and the required size is 1.8GB (aw~). Seems like I can't update to SP2 unless I change my old harddisk. Anyway I sure do advice all XP users to update their windows for it may give you a better protection against unwanted security troubles. So how to get the update? Three ways: download a 75MB patch from Windows Update website, order a free SP2 CD from Microsoft, and borrow the SP2 CD from someone.

Download patch: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/
Order CD: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/...

There are certainly some things you must know before and after installing SP2. Better read it. Until next time, good luck!


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